The Future Latino Leaders Law Camp is a 9-day program that provides up to 40 high-school students with the opportunity to learn more about the legal profession. Students will travel to Washington, DC and stay on a University campus. Together with the Law Camp Counselors, students will visit various government buildings and offices and meet with lawyers, judges, and officials of the United States government. Students will also have the opportunity to attend sessions on the legal profession and participate in a Mock Trial Competition, in which different students will play part of a legal team.
What Do Law Camp Students Do?
Below is a list of sample activities from the previous Law Camps. (Not all sites and activities are offered every year.)
- Visit the Supreme Court, Department of State, U.S. Capitol, Department of Justice, DEA Museum, and other government agencies;
- Tour the monuments and visit the National Archives and view the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence;
- Visit foreign embassies to learn about international law;
- Take courses taught by current law professors, to learn more about what a law school class is like;
- Be part of a Mock Trial legal team;
- Learn from experienced attorneys about how they approach a case and prepare for oral argument and cross-examination;
- Attend workshops on college and law school admissions, financial aid, scholarships and internship programs; and
- Attend the HNBF Annual Awards Dinner and Ceremony with lawyers from around the country.
Who Is Eligible To Apply? In order to apply and participate, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a high school student in the United States entering your sophomore, junior, or senior year
- Have an interest in learning about law school and becoming a lawyer;
- Be a U.S. citizen, legal permanent resident, or be in the United States with valid authorization; and
- Have a demonstrated interest in helping your community and building your leadership skills.
Is There A Minimum GPA Requirement? Yes. In order to apply and participate, you must have a GPA of at least 2.5. If your GPA is lower than a 2.5, you may submit your application with an explanation outlining your academic performance. We will consider all applications received.